Thursday, December 17, 2009

Save Energy Costs With Light Tubes and Lite Tunnels

Do you have some rooms that don't see much natural light during the day? Maybe you should consider a light pipe. A light pipe captures the sunlight from the sun and displaces the light proportionally throughout the room.

The left photo shows what a light tube looks like. This one is pretty large . It takes the sunlight from above the roof and displaces it throughout this underground subway in Germany. Of course the picture was taken at night so we cannot see the benefits this light tube provides. Its rather large and gaudy; it certainly wouldn't work in with your home remodeling endeavors. However if done correctly a light tube can be neatly installed in the corner of your room and look pretty decent. This light pipe shown here on the lower right is not using natural lite, but sunlight can be used effectively in this scenario.

A sun tunnel is more like a skylight, but with one distinct difference. Sun tunnels have the ability to magnify the light and illuminate the room more effectively. What's more it's not an eyesore like the protruding light pipe we see in the German subway. Sun tunnels are a great replacement for conventional lighting and can obviously save you money as well.

While people consider home remodeling they often are presented with new lighting decisions. The sun tunnel and the light pipe are two great options to be considered. Below are a couple of pictures showing the effectiveness of sky tunnels.

Our guest blogger,, does San Diego Remodeling for homes and commercial buildings. Check out their website for more information.

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