Monday, September 14, 2009

Sports Facilities Adapting to Alternative Energy

Its unbelievable how many major corporations are starting to see the enormous benefits of alternative energy. Now sports facilities are seeing those same benefits. Solar power remains the top alternative energy source, but wind energy is gaining some ground. The newest example is the US Open in New York, powered entirely by wind energy. Alternative energy gets a huge boost on the biggest stage this time of year. The audience is practically forced into pondering what can be accomplished with alternative energy.

Not to be outdone, solar power is still growing strong with huge projects lined up. 40,000 photovoltaic panels are to be installed at Pennsylvania NASCAR track. It will become become Pennsylvania’s largest solar farm taking up 25 acres of land. This is not just for the environment. Deregulation of conventional power threatens to drive up the cost for large ventures such as sports facilities. Many are switching to alternative energy to avoid these expenses.

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