Tuesday, March 10, 2009

One Advantage of Solar Power: Thermal Energy

Thermal energy is heat. As we know direct sunlight produces heat, but to provide more efficient use of the sun, we needed to create a receptacle for that energy and then convert it to more thermal energy. When most of us think of how the sun's rays are captured, we think of solar panels and disks used to convert solar power . There are, in fact, several other ways to capture solar energy. Since ancient times, chimneys provide a vehicle for solar energy to come in from the outside and heat homes. When the chimney gets warmer, an updraft brings warm air into the building. Stone and cement work well for storing thermal energy that is released in the evening.

Solar panels utilize thermal energy and are used quite often to heat swimming pools. The obvious advantage is the cost to supply this energy.

There are many methods of solar cooking that are very efficient and provide a great alternative to pollutant gas stoves. Solar cookers provide a fantastic way to capture the sun's energy. India leads in this industry, cooking several thousand meals a day utilizing solar cooking methods. Personal cookers are easy to come by these days for those looking to lower their carbon footprint.

Thermal energy is the clearly the easiest method to utilize solar energy. There are many more advantages then discussed so far. The major disadvantage is the availability of the source when it gets dark or extremely cloudy, but we have a solution for that that will be discussed next time.